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Thursday 27 December 2018

Devil beans

The last day at school was rather cold. The dry wind of harmattan blew gently and swayed  dust. I smelled the season;Christmas. The last week seemed hectic for the class monitors due to the unending errands pertaining the term's closure.  There were three of us. My class is remarked for its disciplined pupils, credit to it's cooperative  leaders;Mayo, Jaachi and I. The ever quiet Mayo who is loved by all for his meekness and ever willingness to cover up for everyone. Jaachi the south-eastern girl, nice in every aspect but her gossips. I am Idara,the villain.
The class literally hates me, I convinced myself not to believe that until the last day to the term's closure.

"I recognize these seed pods"
"Tell me"
"Its the hairs lining it, they contain serotonin and mucunain. They induced the itching. The slight palm scratch got more intense I suppose and she scratched vigorously hence the spread and marks on her body"
"Spare me the lectures Doctor Mariam" mother fumed. I moaned quietly from the sick bed to draw mother's attention and let her know I didn't need those aggressions then. Our eyes locked, I looked away. They both kept mute.

I tried recollecting the day's scenario.I ran in to drink from my water can before I sighted something I hadn't seen before. It was caterpillar shaped, lined with hair by the sides and lay still on my desk. They were beautiful flowers, I thought.
I grabbed the biggest of the three and wrapped in my left palm. Prior to the clenching of my tender fingers, I heard Ibrahim call out to me.
"Werepe"  he cried.
"Arrghhh" I cried more. The series of madness after the first cry were no longer in my memory. I knew I  scratched enough to wipe that memory.
"Werepe, werepe" I chanted in tears as I received repeated injections.
The City Primary school class of five connived to punish me with the mad beans. I was grateful till my resignation the next term.
