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Monday 18 December 2017

Friday For Fathers

Exactly fifteen minutes to midnight,I drove into my yard.My three years Mercedes jolted twice before it stopped abruptly. Embarrassed,I glanced at my guest to read her expression.I needed not to create a bad impression of myself this early.The wads of fake pounds I tossed at her on the dance floor were enough to convince her,I even slid extra in her purse.I grinned to myself.The local chief never failed me,always available to sell fake currencies for moments like this.
"Here we are babe"I winked at her,she smiled and put her face down.
I got down and opened the door for her to step out,I wore my best smiles.
"Beautiful eyes you've got" She said. I flushed.
My wife never told me that;she complements every part of my face but the eyes.
"Rat eyes" she termed them.

It was Friday and the neighborhood is mainly quiet and calm.Many travel for weekends while few stay back for party.I'm among the few that stay back.My wife and son go to her grandparent's place for weekends.It was a routine they don't fail to observe which I have no problem with.All I do is hang out with my colleagues at work,drink and party and girls;but today was special.Franklin,my co-editor in the company had taken me to the Bleamer's club,the most visited in the city.
"Trust me man,the girls are good" he had told me on our way there.Eventually,he never lied because right here was one of the good girls he talked about.I sucked my lips in excitement.We both held hands like newly weds and walked to the entrance,the black sleeveless gown she wore gave a fair display of her ample bosoms.It reminded me of my ex wife,Riano.Same voluptuous body,different colors.She was blonde and had a low cut;Riano wore long hairs and bleaches her skin.How much I missed her,she died of skin cancer years back.

As I made to unlock the door,it creaked open.I turned the knob and felt the lock,it was not broken which could only mean the person has the right key.I peeped,but darkness covered the living room which was unusual.I just paid the electricity bills the previous week.I searched my pocket for my phone,it was shut down already due to low battery.I went in with her and locked the door after then.Slowly,I groped my way to my bedroom to get the torch.She followed closely.Just before the door to my room,I stumbled on a metal object.I bent and picked it and observed blindly. It was a pistol.I was sure I owned none.It then dawned on me some armed persons had entered my house,possibly still around somewhere.I got scared then.I gripped the gun with both hands in fear.I never handled one but I was sure I won't fail to pull the trigger should the need arise.
"Behind me" I muttered .I turned the knob and pushed the metal door ajar. It creaked noisily due to rust at the hinges. Then I saw the stranger standing by the window directly opposite the door.
"Show yourself" I commanded courageously.The voice chuckled.I knew it was a female then but the voice was familiar.
The lady faced me now but since it was dark I couldn't see clearly who it was.The gun still pointed at her,someone else entered the room with a bright light.I turned immediately and pointed it to that direction .I was quick to figure it was my ten year old son.His distinct full hair was a great clue,he then pointed the torch to the ceiling which lighted the room.
I turned and faced Tonaj my wife now,she wore the meanest look since I've known her.I have never been more ashamed of myself.I looked at her eyes,then my son's.I knew I've not been a good man.Since our thirteen years of marriage,I only caused her sorrows and bitterness.I took away love and laughter from her peaceful soul.I did not only abuse her physically,I force myself on her each time I desired to fulfill my selfish lusts.I tortured her emotionally by digging painful events of her past at every misunderstanding we had.She did have an awful experience growing up.Her father;an alcoholic coal miner approached them in the same angry and violent manner.Hitting her mum at every slight mistake.This caused her mom to take her and leave their father and their little home after years of enduring.She had just her.They both virtually lived in the streets.Long misery cut short,I came into her life.I always loved her but I wasn't sure if I still did presently.I wasn't sure why.My present attitude towards them changed hysterically .I knew I deserved her care no more.Just today,I brought a strange woman to our home again.Since I had lost count,I wasn't sure the number of times I did.She did find out but today,fate caught up with me;I got caught red handed.She set a big trap and I fell without a rethink.
"Shoot her"Tonaj thundered as she came closer to me. She just asked me to shoot the strange woman.
I wasn't sure what I heard so I stared at her with the what-did-you-just-say look.
"You heard me right Paul, shoot her and end my sorrows" she was in great rage now.
I didn't know what she was up to.The lady guest still stood behind me and held me in fear.I knew then there was no way to convince Tonaj,her face said it all.She must have had a great time planning this.I buried my face in my palms while the gun pointed to the ceiling.I have never been more confused.
"I love you Paul,this is for our own good"she whispered to me and then gave me a lopsided smile.She stared at my guest in an unusual way and laughed loud.
She forcefully grabbed my hands and pulled the trigger.I didn't see that coming.
"Piew" I heard it,so fast and short it was.I wasn't sure whom it was fired at but I knew a bullet escaped.I felt the recoil of the gun. I saw my lady guest slump slowly on the bed.She has been shot,and the gun in my hands.In teary eyes, I held her lifeless body while my wife and son walked out unmoved..
I sat still and held the lady guest in my arms and patiently waited for the cops to take me away.Running was not an option,how far can I go?
As they led me out in handcuffs to the Black Maria,I stared once more at my wife and son.
"Happy Father's Day in advance" they said in unison.It was their farewell since the next day was father's day.I closed my eyes and let the tear drop.She wiped it from my cheek and licked it.
"I'll never forget you Paul".She wept now.For the first time in my marriage I regretted marrying her.Then again,if that was the best way to restore the peace I denied her,so be it.I was paying the price already. I entered the vehicle as I headed to my forever doom,few years in jail until my death sentence.

*The End!*